About Us

Engage . Inspire . Move Employees To Action

Empower Your HR Strategy

Leverage Decades
of Experience

Unleash the power of your HR communications by tapping into our wealth of experience. Discover how we can elevate your efforts to ensure your messages to employees are heard loud and clear. Take a look at the video to learn how it all started and why we are where we are today.

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What Makes Us Different

Applying the Art & Science of Communications

At Joshua Communications, we understand that effective communication is not just about transmitting information; it's about creating connections, fostering understanding, and inspiring action.

Understanding the science

is essential for effective information exchange

Communication involves complex brain networks that handle language understanding, emotional connections, and decision-making. Understanding these processes can greatly enhance how we craft and deliver messages, making communication not just an exchange of information, but a profound connection that can influence thoughts and behaviors.

Communication is an art form

an expression of ideas, emotions, and values

We embrace the creative aspect of communication, leveraging storytelling, design, and multimedia to captivate and inspire employees. We believe that compelling visuals, engaging narratives, and memorable experiences are essential ingredients for effective communication that encourages collaboration, boosts morale, fosters creativity, and drives organizational success.

We marry the art and science of communication to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client. Inspired by data, and fueled by imagination, our messages engage and connect on levels both profound and personal. It’s here, we ensure our communications bring understanding, cause behavior changes, deepen engagement and inspire actions.

Power Of Words

Words can create or destroy, unite people or drive them apart, empower or restrict us. They fuel our aspirations or hinder our achievements. It’s crucial to understand that our choice of words doesn’t just affect others; it also molds our own beliefs and mindset. 

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The Art & Science of Communication
Put Into Words


When we describe our approach as Proven, it reflects our commitment to evidence-based strategies and the confidence we’ve built through years of experience and accrued wisdom.

The term “Proven” does not suggest rigidity, excessive self-promotion, or an adherence to outdated methods.

Rather, it highlights how we use solid results, data, and our historical successes as a guide to navigate future challenges.

Our aim is to harness our accumulated knowledge to continue providing dependable, innovative solutions.

With experience comes wisdom. We embrace change and back up our solutions with proven techniques to solve our client’s problems.


When we describe our style as Conversational, we’re not suggesting a dialogue stripped of complexity or depth.

Rather, it’s about embracing an approachable and straightforward manner that fosters warmth and empathy.

Our approach maintains the substance and avoids over simplification.

Being Conversational for us signifies a balance—like having a thoughtful, engaging chat with a good friend, where clarity and understanding are paramount, without sacrificing the richness of the topic at hand.

We convey big ideas in a way that is easily understood, humble, and concise.


Our work is Thought-Provoking. We are committed to being creative outside-the-box thinkers.

Our aim is to ignite a spark of inquiry within our readers, encouraging them to explore new paths of thought, without resorting to controversy or dense rhetoric.

“Thought-Provoking” signifies our dedication to keeping our content grounded and accessible, even as we venture into innovative or unconventional territory, ensuring it inspires reflection and discovery without overwhelming our audience.

We’re not afraid to do things differently and to lead the way if it’s something we believe in.


We strive to Inspire, stir excitement and empowering our readers to act.

We craft ideas that open new viewpoints and encourage innovative problem solving to challenges.

To us, “Inspiring” means creating content that captivates the imagination and provides our audience with the insights and energy to implement their newfound knowledge effectively and meaningfully.

We inspire readers to act and take on new adventures with confidence.


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